
favorite folk troubadours of the present day

Let us first start out with an image... The image above displays from left to right: M. Ward, Jim James, Conor Oberst, and some other folkster that I don't know the name of.

This picture proves epic to me, as it features three of my favorite folk troubadours (M. Ward, Jim James, Conor Oberst). Giving them such a name is not to say that they are primarily folk artists. These men defy many genres, but excel in the folk department.

I have recently been informed by my Rolling Stone magazine that the three of them are collaborating on an album soon. What a supergroup! It is bound to be amazing, and I am certainly getting in line for this album as soon as it comes out!

In the meantime, follow this link and hear Jim James (M. Ward comes in later) in concert: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91719100

Enjoy! - Njoy Giessler

1 comment:

Rebecca Gidjunis said...

Hey, thanks for this great topic (including the super-original title)! I dabble in folk and am interested in discovering new music through this blog. Keep up the good work!